An innovative chamber music course
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Evening Activities
With the exception of the first night's meet and greet activities, evenings will be mostly unstructured, but here are some ways you'll be able to spend your after-dinner hours:

Participants' Concert:
There will be an opportunity on the last evening for participants to perform for each other if they wish! 
Tutor performance(s):
Enjoy an opportunity to hear the tutors perform for you.    
A number of very interesting chamber music DVDs will be shown in the evenings.  We'll tell you what we've got available, and you can let us know what you'd like to watch.
Chamber music readings:
Take advantage of this time to get your group together to play through something you're not working on during the course.  Or perhaps join up with other groups to read through a quartet, a sextet, etc.
Private Practising:
If you'd like to, you can spend an evening practising. There will, however, be a moratorium on practising after 10.00 pm.

 ...... just kick back and do nothing at all.  There are several common areas at Noddfa where you can socialize, or you can retreat to your room.

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